String Quartets for Beginning Ensembles Volume 2
Arranged for string quartet by violinist/arranger Joseph Knaus. With lower string parts providing melodic and rhythmic counterpoint to set off the simple melodies (which match the Suzuki Method repertoire), these quartets are nevertheless simple enough for beginning level players ready for their first chamber music experience.
,Volume 2 contents are: Chorus from Judas Maccabaeus (G. F. Handel) * Long, Long Ago (Key of G) (T. H. Bayly) * Waltz (J. Brahms) * Bourrée from Sonata in F Major for Oboe, HHA IV/18, No. 8 (G. F. Handel) * The Two Grenadiers, Die beiden Grenadier, Op. 49, No. 1 (R. Schumann) * Theme from Witches' Dance (N. Paganini) * Gavotte from Mignon (A. Thomas) * Gavotte (J. B. Lully) * Minuet in G, Wo0, No. 2 (L. van Beethoven) * Minuet from Sei Quintetti per Archi No. 11, Op. 11, No. 5 (L. Boccherini).