The Fiddler Playalong Viola Collection - Complete with CD - Viola music from around the world with audio backing and performance - Viola Edward Huws Jones Boosey & Hawkes /CD
Like the violin volumes of the 'Fiddler Playalong Collection', this wonderfully varied collection explores the world of traditional fiddle musicŒ_ from Irish to Gypsy, from bluegrass to tango and many other exciting and fascinating styles. The viola arrangements are suitable for players of almost every level, from the advanced player to the relative beginner, and can be played as solos or duets (or with a larger band) with piano, violin or guitar accompaniment, or with or without CD accompaniment. The play-along CD reflects the large variety of the music with the help of the performing accompanying bands contributing an extraordinarily large number of different instrumental colours and original sounds from Celtic countries, Central and Eastern Europe, North and South America Œ_ thusturning their own performance or their own band into a really good worl d music ensemble!