First Repertoire for Viola Book 1 Viola/Piano
Haydn to Humperdinck, show tunes to spirituals - variety is the spice of musical life and the essence of First Repertoire for Viola. These three books combine over 60 carefully graded elementary pieces which skilfully explore the viola's unique sonorities and provide a superb introductory literature for the young player.
**ABRSM selected piece (Viola 2008-2015):
Now is the month of Maying (Morley)
Evening Hymn (Bruckner)
March (Baklanova)
**Trinity College London selected pieces (Viola 2010-2012):
Country Gardens (Trad.)
Now is the month of Maying (Morley)
Lament (Trad. Hungarian)
Aria: Love Leads to Battle (Bononcini)
Rigaudon (Rameau)
Papageno’s Song (Mozart)